Car sharing is flexible
- Car sharing does not have to be a daily commitment and no matter how far you live from your workplace, part of your journey is bound to match someone else's. If you can't find a journey partner in your own town or village, you could park at a colleague's house on your route to work and share the remainder of your journey.
- You can share with as many people as you like; just offering lifts, seeking lifts, or taking turns driving.
You don't have to be a driver
- Not everyone has to own a car. Drivers can offer lifts to colleagues who perhaps don't have access to a car, or where public transport is limited.
Saves you money, time and stress
- save money by taking turns driving or sharing fuel costs between the driver and passenger(s)
- remove the stress of driving every day in heavy traffic and enjoy being a passenger for a change
- reduce your carbon footprint
- may reduce the need for families to own more than one car
Benefits your organisation
- reduction in pressure on car parking at your workplace
- reduced spending on travel expenses and lower carbon emissions as a result of employees sharing business journeys
The Employee Car Share Scheme website also allows you to search for travel companions for cycling, walking, public transport or sharing a taxi!